Interesting Facts

# 1 Surah Al Baqarah Shaytan does not enter the house where surah Al Baqarah is recited. Al Baqarah is the high peek of Quran. There's a blessing in learning surah Al Baqarah. Surah Al Baqarah and Al Imran will argue on behalf of its people.

#2 Types of Guidance: Huda-faith that resides in the heart. Huda-explain truth, give direction and lead to it.

#3 Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam had knowledge of some of the hypocrites.

Types of believers:

Ashabul Yameen

Types of Disbelievers: Advocates followers
Types of Hypocrites:
  • Those who have some Hypocrisy.
  • Pure hypocrites
  • "stones"means either giant ,rotten, black sulphuric stones


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